Looking to purchase a barcode scanner? There are many different options on the market today, and choosing the right one is important for the productivity of your business. Where can you use barcode scanners? To name a few settings, industrial areas, retail stores, healthcare facilities, and warehousing. Some scanners are built for specific work environments, such as […]
Ways The Cloud Can Revolutionize The Supply Chain
Communication Cloud technology has the ability to improve communication across the entire supply chain. It allows all partners within a supply chain to easily collaborate with one another. Imagine a social media platform such as Facebook or Linkedin that easily allows you to send real time updates to all members of your supply chain. This can can […]
3 Technologies That Could Transform The Supply Chain
Augmented Reality (AR) AR has infinite possibilities and could make a drastic change to the future of the supply chain. Essentially, AR is when computer-generated media is used to alter the view of the world. It uses a screen to project augmentations onto our real-life world. But what does this mean for the supply chain? With inventions like Google Glass and Microsoft’s […]