Kitting and Light Manufacturing
Improve efficiency and cut down on costs by grouping related products into kits.
Why Use Light Manufacturing and Kitting
Sometimes, selling your products individually just won’t cut it. Processing orders separately, for parts that are commonly sold together, is difficult and slow. Kitting is an inventory management solution that can help increase your production efficiency. Here are a few industries where it is common practice to use kitting:
- Assembly plants
- Distribution centers
- Fulfillment services
- Maintenance repair
- Manufacturing
- Production
Benefits of Using Kits
Free Up Space
Improve Efficiency
Reduce Labor Costs
Reduce Inventory Carrying Costs
Improve Cash Flow
Cut Down on Costs by Minimizing Errors
Kitting can cut down your shipping costs by reducing the number of order errors. Packaging several individual items separately can increase the chance of an order error being made. Using kits will help your employees fill orders right the first time. Kitting gives your company more control over your stockroom by preparing employees for orders as they arrive.
Improve Efficiency by Grouping Related Products
Kitting groups related products, that are typically packaged or assembled together. These kits can then be stored, ordered, and tracked, as a single item. This allows your company to respond faster to orders, reduce the labor required to package items, and increase your business’ productivity. Stand out from the competition, and increase customer satisfaction, by improving your operational efficiency.

Improve Efficiency by Grouping Related Products
The Clear Spider Light Manufacturing and Kitting Inventory Management system allows you to easily create kits. Our system is set-up to improve your kitting processes by managing the stock you use to build each kit. Below are two situations where we use kitting in the Clear Spider system:
Assembled Item
The kit is an assembled or finished good and is listed as a stocked item, allowing you to track the parts used to manufacture your completed goods.
Collection of Parts
The kit is a collection of parts and is not listed as a stocked item, helping you keep track of various parts that are commonly packaged together.